ILoReg并不像常规分析流程一样通过选择feature来进行降维,而是采用probabilistic feature extraction,利用ICP算法运行多次,生成多个概率矩阵(N x K,N指细胞数,K指每个细胞属于特定cluster的概率)后最终联合成一个矩阵,再进行PCA分析将维度将至二维。输入文件为根据文库大小标准化后的数据,with genes/features in rows and cells/samples in columns。输入文件可以为多种格式 matrix
, data.frame
or dgCMatrix
# 加载R包
# The dataset was normalized using the LogNormalize method from the Seurat R package.
sce <- SingleCellExperiment(assays = list(logcounts = pbmc3k_500))
sce <- PrepareILoReg(sce)
# Run the ICP clustering algorithm $L$ times
# 参数说明:
# k:给定初始类群数
# d: 取值0~1,规定每个cluster中多少比例的细胞用作训练数据集,一般设定为0.3,过高过低一定程度上影响结果。
# C:默认值为0.3,C值越低,L1-regularized feature selection越严格。(正数)
# r: 默认值为5,表示在ICP算法停止之前执行的最大重复次数。
# L: 默认值为200,ICP算法运行的最大次数
# type: 指定回归的种类
# threads: 线程数
sce <- RunParallelICP(object = sce, k = 15,
d = 0.3, L = 30,
r = 5, C = 0.3,
reg.type = "L1", threads = 0)
saveRDS(sce,file = "~/pbmc3k_500_iloreg.rds")
# 质控措施
# Projection accuracy 越接近1越好,过滤要求0.5以上
# A higher accuracy can be achieved using lower values of k, C and higher values of d and r.
# ARI similarity
# A higher d leads to a lower similarity and a smaller k to a higher similarity.
VisualizeQC(sce,return.plot = F)
# PCA transformation of the joint probability matrix
sce <- RunPCA(sce,p=50,scale = FALSE,threshold = 0)
PCAElbowPlot(sce) # 拐点图
# 可视化
sce <- RunUMAP(sce)
sce <- RunTSNE(sce,perplexity=30)
dim.reduction.type = "umap",
point.size = 0.3)
dim.reduction.type = "tsne",
point.size = 0.3)
# 层次聚类
sce <- HierarchicalClustering(sce)
# Extracting a consensus clustering with K clusters共识聚类
sce <- SelectKClusters(sce,K=13)
dim.reduction.type = "umap",
return.plot = T,
title = "UMAP",
dim.reduction.type = "tsne",
return.plot = T
ncol = 1
# Marker gene
gene_markers <- FindAllGeneMarkers(sce,
clustering.type = "manual",
test = "wilcox",
log2fc.threshold = 0.25,
min.pct = 0.25,
min.diff.pct = NULL,
pseudocount.use = 1, = 3,
return.thresh = 0.01,
only.pos = TRUE,
max.cells.per.cluster = NULL)
# Marker gene绘图
top10_log2FC <- SelectTopGenes(gene_markers,
top.N = 10,
criterion.type = "log2FC",
reverse = FALSE)
top1_log2FC <- SelectTopGenes(gene_markers,
top.N = 1,
criterion.type = "log2FC",
reverse = FALSE)
top10_adj.p.value <- SelectTopGenes(gene_markers,
top.N = 10,
criterion.type = "adj.p.value",
reverse = TRUE)
top1_adj.p.value <- SelectTopGenes(gene_markers,
top.N = 1,
criterion.type = "adj.p.value",
reverse = TRUE)
genes = unique(top1_log2FC$gene),
dim.reduction.type = "tsne",
point.size = 0.5,ncol=2)
clustering.type = "manual",
gene.markers = top10_log2FC)
# cluster重命名
sce <- RenameAllClusters(sce,
new.cluster.names = c("GZMK+/CD8+ T cells",
"IGKC+ B cells",
"Naive CD4+ T cells",
"NK cells",
"CD16+ monocytes",
"CD8+ T cells",
"CD14+ monocytes",
"IGLC+ B cells",
"Intermediate monocytes",
"IGKC+/IGLC+ B cells",
"Memory CD4+ T cells",
"Naive CD8+ T cells",
"Dendritic cells"))
GeneHeatmap(sce,gene.markers = top10_log2FC)
VlnPlot(sce,genes = c("CD3D"),return.plot = F,rotate.x.axis.labels = T)
# 对一个合适的cluster数进行预估
sce <- CalculateSilhouetteInformation(sce,K.start = 2,K.end = 50)
SilhouetteCurve(sce,return.plot = F)
# 对cluster进行重命名
sce <- SelectKClusters(sce,K=20)
# Rename cluster 1 as A
sce <- RenameCluster(sce, = 1, = "A")
# 自定义可视化
# Select a clustering with K=20 clusters
sce <- SelectKClusters(sce,K=5)
# Generate a custom annotation with K=5 clusters and change the names to the five first alphabets.
custom_annotation <- plyr::mapvalues(metadata(sce)$iloreg$clustering.manual,c(1,2,3,4,5),LETTERS[1:5])
# Visualize the annotation
annotation = custom_annotation,
return.plot = F,
dim.reduction.type = "tsne",
show.legend = FALSE)
# cluster合并
sce <- SelectKClusters(sce,K=20)
sce <- MergeClusters(sce, = c(3,4))
# Marker gene鉴定
GM_dendritic <- FindGeneMarkers(sce,
clusters.1 = "Dendritic cells",
logfc.threshold = 0.25,
min.pct = 0.25,
return.thresh = 0.01,
only.pos = TRUE)
iterative clustering projection (ICP) clustering algorithm
在ILoReg中,主要是运行ICP多次,生成多个概率矩阵,概率矩阵主要记录每个细胞在每个分群中的可能性(each of the N cells belonging to the k clusters.)。具体原理还不太明白。